Word of Life Baptist Church

Rejoicing in Sovereign Grace

“We are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:24



We recognize that it is only through the preaching of the Word of God that people are saved, that they grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and that they are equipped to do the work of Christian ministry. To accomplish this our primary emphasis is on the systematic exposition of Scripture, preaching verse by verse through a book of the Bible with emphasis upon doctrine, the gospel & our Lord Jesus Christ. We are currently studying the Bible books of 2 Kings, John & Colossians. Other biblical books that have been studied include: Exodus, Daniel, the Minor Prophets, Proverbs, Mark, John, Acts, Romans, Philippians, Hebrews and Revelation.

Sunday School:

Sunday School classes are provided for children and the adults are taught by Pastor Rick.

Ladies Group:

Our ladies meet weekly during the school year and read and study a book together. They currently are reading “In His Image” by Jen Wilkin. The group is competently led by Nancy Gray. Several of the ladies also attend the True Woman annual conference for women led by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth.

Men’s Group:

The men meet during the year to watch Biblical teaching videos. They have completed the study on the Resurrection by Dr. Gary Habermas.


Preaching & teaching sessions are available for listening on CD or Semonaudio.com. Go to the sermon archives to view a catalogue of sermons available.

Food pantry:

Following the example of our Lord Jesus who cared for the poor, fresh produce & food staples are provided for those in need who attend a Sunday morning worship service. If you would like to donate food or funds for this ministry, please contact the church at 272-224-2681.


“Make a joyful noise unto the Lord…come before His presence with singing.” (Psalm 100:1-2)
Word of Life is a singing church. We love the old hymns and gospel songs as well as contemporary music that has doctrinal substance. We have a pianist and a guitar ensemble that accompany our singing. If you like to sing, you’ll love attending Word of Life.

Prayer Meeting:

We meet in individual homes once a month for a sweet time of praise, intercession & fellowship


We love to spend time together. To enhance our fellowship with one another, we enjoy:
periodic “After Church Fellowship Meals” on Sundays, an annual Christmas party, annual church picnics, short trips, and even “shoot-outs” at the local gun range.

Word of Life Baptist Church