Word of Life Baptist Church

Rejoicing in Sovereign Grace

“We are justified by His grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:24

Who We Are

First, we are of course a Christian church. That says it. But that may not say much to some people, for it is a term that is used with so many different points of reference that it lacks real precision. To various people “Christian” might mean Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox or simply non-Jewish or non-Muslim. So, we would go another step and gladly identify ourselves more specifically — we are a Protestant church.

We are a Biblical church which means we emphasize the divine inspiration and authority of Scripture and give attention, therefore, to its exposition and application to our lives for it is only through God’s holy Word that people are saved from sin, that they grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and that they are equipped to do the work of Christian ministry. Along with this our doctrine reflects the fundamentals of the faith so often associated with evangelical Protestants, such as the triunity of God as Father, Son and Spirit, the substitutionary death of Christ, his virgin birth and resurrection.

We are also a Baptist church who believe that the church consists of believers only, and we recognize that scripture authorizes baptism as immersion and that it is to be administered for believers only. As Baptists also, we do not believe in the efficacy of the sacraments — that saving grace is communicated via the waters of baptism, for example.

Next, believing as we do that salvation is the result of the supernatural workings of divine grace, we believe that God is sovereign in saving sinners. This is sometimes referred to as “sovereign grace” but is known generally as Reformed theology.

In addition, we are an evangelistic church, which simply means that we seek opportunity to give the gospel to those who are not saved. We are an independent church in that we are unaffiliated with any denominational body.

Negatively, we are non-charismatic, which means we do not believe in the continuing validity of the miraculous gifts. There are other distinctives that would characterize us & for these you can read our Confession of Faith.

In summation, we seek to know and make known the Lord Jesus Christ — incarnate, crucified, risen, and returning — and to make as many people as possible his fully devoted disciples.

Word of Life Baptist Church